Intonent Hodie

Arranged by Alice Keath (Control)

Intonent hodie voces ecclesie.
Dies letitie
refulsit in mundo ergo letabundo
corde jubilemo et ore jucundo.

Sanctus hic inclitus domino subditus
in cunis positus;
ubera vitabat, corpus macerabat
et ter in sabbato puer jejunabat.

Parenti misero submerso puero
mari pestifero
dedit quod petivit, preces exaudivit,
submersum puerum patris custodivit.

Tribus virginibus victu carentibus
(auri egentibus)
reddidit honorem, subtraxit errorem
reddens virginibus virgineum florem.

(English translation by S. Hellauer and M Smith)

Let the voices of the church sing out today.
Thus this joyful day
Shone forth in a rejoicing world
With a jubilant heart and merry mouth

The famous saint, the lord’s subject,
Was placed in a cradle;
he avoided the breast, denied his flesh,
and thrice on Saturday the little boy fasted.

To the wretched parent, his boy drowned
in the dangerous sea
he granted what was asked; he heard his prayers
and gave the drowned boy back to his father.

To the three virgins lacking food
and needing money
he restored honour, saving them from error,
giving back to the maidens the flower of virginity.