
Pull the trigger fella, now come on and gun me down
I’ve been dead a hundred times but you can’t put me in the ground
Every day I drink your poison, every day I bust your traps
So start shooting! Just like Rasputin-I’m deadly!

I’ve been bashed, I’ve been beaten, I’ve been buried alive
Left for dead inside your prison cell ten by five
They tried to break my spirit, put a blanket on my soul
Now I’m out of the hole-and I’m deadly!

I’m a critical mass I got a rocket in my pocket
I’m a livewire connection plugging into your socket
When you see me coming and you start to get the urge
Watch out! I’m a power surge-and I’m deadly!

I can drink more cans than any man can
Smoke more green than anybody’s ever seen
I can eat a whole killer just put it on the table
I’m ready, willing and able-and I’m deadly!

I’m Tarzan, Batman, Attila the Hun
Alexander the Great all rolled up into one
Bullets bounce off me like rain off a tin roof
I’m a hundred percent proof-and I’m deadly!